Tuesday 15 December 2009


The children of your people say, 'The way of the LORD is not fair,' But it is their way which is not fair! - Ezekiel 33:17

Having four small children, there are many things that come out of their mouths, both positive and negative. One of the beauties of small children is they say what they mean and they mean what they say. They haven't learned the art of cover-up. If they do not like something, they simply tell you. If they are excited, it cannot be hidden.

One of the phrases that often comes forth in the midst of sibling rivalry is "Not fair!". The essence of the statement is that I have been wronged and dealt with unjustly. You have received what I deserve to have, give it to me. This is obvious in small children (remember, they do not hide their feelings well). However, when it comes to us mature people, we hold the same mindset however enshroud it with a sophisticated arrangement of smoke and mirrors so things do not appear as they are.

The problem is what we may call an ego-centric perspective. We have a wrong assessment of ourselves and therefore deem ourselves worthy of whatever it is we feel we are lacking. Humanity as a whole has the same problem (anthropo-centric). When difficulty happens and tragedy befalls us, humanity is quick to place the blame on God and claim that God has not dealt fairly with us. This is evident by the statement often uttered "If God is good, then why ________?" Fill in the blank! The problem with this perspective is that man thinks that God owes man something. God has somehow deprived him or someone else of the right to health, wealth, comfort, security, and ultimately of self-defined happiness etc.

We see this here in Ezekiel 36. "God is not fair!" They rail their accusation against God claiming Him to be corrupt. However the prophet puts the emphasis of corruption (unfairness) back on the people.

God created a beautiful world and made mankind in the perfect image of God. God, the Creator, blessed man and endowed man with myriads of gifts, the greatest of which was the very presence and favour of God. God had told man that there was one thing he was not supposed to touch. Man then said in essence, "That's not fair. I deserve the fruit of that tree." Thus corruption entered the world. The core of this problem is a high view of man (anthro-centric) and a low view of God (theo-centric). Somehow the roles were reversed and the Maker is to become the servant and the servant then judges the Maker.

Man says he doesn't want God but then demands that God give man those things associated with God (i.e. God's blessings, favour, joy, provision). Maybe God hasn't been fair, but if that's the case it's only because He has been more than fair.

All of humanity has fully earned hell and God's judgment. Yet they cry out for fairness. If God were to deal fairly, all would be under His wrath. Yet God gives bread to the eater and rain to the sower (Isaiah 55:10). God blesses all mankind with this life. As if this were not enough, God has made it possible for us to be saved from our well deserved judgment by sending His own beloved Son to bear the wrath of God's justice for fallen humanity. Anyone who puts their faith in Jesus shall find that God's fairness towards them was given to Jesus in the crucifixion.

If we were to cry out to God and say, "The way of the Lord is not fair!" We should do so acknowledging that "The way of the Lord is more than fair!" Truly it seems unfair for Jesus to bear our judgment. However, because God loves you, Jesus willingly suffered your fair death, that you could have His fair life.

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