Friday 6 March 2009

Children's Bibles

There are numerous children's Bibles on the market. We must have about a dozen in our home. Some of them as you read you wonder if the author has ever even read the Bible! Not all books are created equal. Discernment is important even (or should I say especially) at the children's level.

Usually children's Bibles take each story as a unique and disconnected pericope and neglect to weave the story into The Story.

In our desire to read good books with our little ones, I have recently come across two children's Bibles that I enjoy greatly.

The Big Picture Story Bible
This book written by David Helm and illustrated by Gail Schoonmaker fits the title: THE BIG PICTURE. Reading through this book with my kids was exciting! Each story leads to the next chronologically through many Bible stories, but each one is connected. They build upon each other, unfolding God's divine plan of redemption.

At the end of each chapter a door is opened to discuss God's purpose for man and God's reason for sending Jesus.

ISBN: 978-1-58134-277-2

The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name
This volume is written by Sally Lloyd-Jones (no relation to "the Doctor", MLJ) and illustrated by Jago. The tagline in the title says it all, "Every story whispers His name".

All of Scripture is about Jesus and S. Lloyd-Jones, brings this to light as each story points to one who is greater: Jesus. Again this book is a great conversation starter with the kids and it teaches the kids at a very young age to look for Jesus in the Scriptures.

ISBN: 978-0-310-70824-4

If you find yourself looking for a children's Bible for your family or as a gift for another family I would recommend either of these. Especially if the family are unbelievers (great bedtime reading with the kids), these will lay out both the need for the gospel and the promise of a Redeemer for those who believe throughout Scripture.

btw - Here's my review of the Jesus Storybook Bible over at Living Social:

This is a great children's Bible. I think the 2 that have really nailed it for me are this one and "The Big Picture Story Bible". So many children's either emphasis some peripheral aspect of the story as opposed to the Bible's main objective. Others have absolutely appalling theology. One children's Bible I read began with creation and went on to say that God rested on the 7th day because He was so exhausted from all his work. In trying to be 'cute' and relatable, the story denied the omnipotence of God relegating him to some demi-god at best.

This Bible puts the emphasis where it should be - Jesus. Jesus told the religious leaders in John 5, "You search the Scriptures and in them you think you find life, but these are those which testify of ME."

If we read a Bible and don't walk away with Jesus, then we walk away without life. Often times children's Bibles will have you walk away with a moralistic nomism or quaint tales akin to Aesops Fables painting proverbial wisdom which is not much different than Confucism. This children's Bible points to Jesus in every story. Jesus is the Hero. Jesus is man's only hope of salvation. Behold the volume of the book is written of Jesus.


Sally Lloyd-Jones said...

Hey Matt! got here via your link! (it worked after all) MANY thanks for the review--it's God Wonderful Story. And I am honored to have had a part in retelling it for little ones. thank you for your part in helping them get hold of the book! Blessings

Matt said...

It's my pleasure!

It's well worth recommending.

btw- we recently got your book on Manners which was a lot fun. Thanks.